— About ABCML

Celebrating Over 70 Years in Maritime Excellence: Leading the Way in Global Shipping Operations

In addition to our managed fleet of 20 modern supramax and ultramax vessels, we maintain long-term Japanese-owned time charter engagements and consistently operate 20-30 time-charter vessels servicing our client's needs. This scale of operation highlights our key role in the industry, driven by innovation and integrity.

Our reliability is not just our fleet but anchored in the relationships we’ve built over time. For more than 70 years, our collaboration with top-tier shipyards, known for their dedication to quality and sustainability, has been fundamental. These strategic partnerships enable us to offer a fleet that stands out for its operational excellence.

  • 20

    owned vessels

  • 15

    milions tons carried/annum

  • 62

    shore-based personnel

  • 400

    seafarers on board

  • 15

    milions tons carried/annum

  • 210

    voyages completed/annum

  • 62

    shore-based personnel

  • 210

    voyages completed/annum

— Our Mission

We are committed to providing exceptional marine transportation services globally,
ensuring unparalleled quality and reliability.

— Our Vision

Our goal is to meet our clients' supply chain needs through cost-effective, ethical, and dependable freight solutions. We are dedicated to a team-oriented approach, empowering our employees, and adhering to our 'WeCare' ethos to set the standard for global marine transportation excellence and make a positive difference in the world.

— Core Values

Innovation is the driving force behind our company's growth and success. We constantly strive to push the boundaries, embracing cutting-edge technology and creative solutions to meet the evolving needs of our industry.

Integrity is the foundation of our business. We conduct ourselves with the highest standards of honesty, ethics, and transparency. Our commitment to doing what is right ensures the trust of all our partners.

Our 'WeCare' philosophy represents our dedication to the well-being of our employees, our communities, and our environment. We actively engage in initiatives that make a positive difference and contribute to environmental sustainability.

— Our Fleet

Ongoing exploration of cutting-edge technologies and practices improve our fleet's operational efficiency and sustainability.

Each one of our vessels is engineered to optimize cargo capacity, fuel efficiency, and navigational capabilities, enabling us to deliver superior service across the world's oceans.


Navigating towards a cleaner future by exceeding environmental standards and enhancing safety

— Sustainability & ESG

Our dedication to social responsibility and environmental stewardship is unwavering.

We recognize the critical importance of protecting our planet, supporting our communities, and operating with integrity and transparency. Our commitment to sustainability and ESG principles is a journey of continuous improvement, aiming to make a positive impact on the world while ensuring the longevity and success of our business.
